Barang Kuno, Malang city Tours, Penginapan

Thursday 25 February 2010

Two Birds of Java

…Two birds which heaven's winds did blow
To this blessed rendezvous of life
Became the two love – birds of Java…

Celebrate the first day of your union, as the first of many beautiful days to come, in the nest of romance in Java… Feel the chirping of love embracing you and leading you through the grandeur of art, history and luxury of Indonesia in the past.

Tracing The Kingdom

Malang, a city known for its colonial building heritage, also inherit many archaeological relics that strongly reflect Indonesian culture.

Enrich your knowledge by tracing the ancient history to the KIDAL TEMPLE known as the burial shrine of King Singhasari II, Anusapati, who died in 1248. JAGO (JAJAGHU) TEMPLE as one of the places visited by King Hayam Wuruk from Majapahit in 1359 which was built originally as a mortuary shrine for King Wisnuwardhana who was Buddhist. Last but not least, the SINGOSARI TEMPLE that also known as Kendedes Temple. It was founded in honour of King Kertanegara, the last King of the Singosari Dynasty, who died in 1292 AD. In the vicinity of the temple there are two gigantic statues called Dwarapala , believed to be the entrance guards to the royal palace at that time. Another Big Stupa, located of 6 km away to the northwest from Singosari temple, is called Sumberawan Stupa ; it has the most various ornaments than any other temples built at the end of the 14th century.

Down to Blitar Region to explore the PENATARAN TEMPLE , the biggest Hindu temple complex, which occupies a special position among all temples to be found in East Java.

Monday 15 February 2010

Sendang Biru and Sempu Island

Sendang Biru is an unspoilt white sandy beach south of Malang at the Indian Ocean. To reach this beach, guests will follow a very beautiful road passing the little villages of Turen and Sumbermanjing Wetan as well as hilly, natural surroundings. This beach is famous as a fishermen harbor, white sand, tropical rainforest and the traditional fish market center of Malang. This beach faces Sempu Island, a naturally preserved island with untouched wildlife where some locals still visit to seek for holy water that is believed to have healing power.

Wonosari Tea Plantation

This vast and beautiful plantation is situated on the slope of Mount Arjuna, about 30 km from Malang, with a view of Mt. Arjuna. The visitors may watch the tea leaf picking, the process of tea-making, as well as other traditional daily activities of this tea plantation.


The Village of Ranupane, situated 2,100 meters above the sea level, is the starting point of the 2-day hiking track to the volcanic Mountain Semeru (3,767 meter high – the tallest in Java). Ranupane is famous for its beautiful lake, Lake Ranupane which is surrounded by wildlife and sand plateau. The peaceful Village of Ranupane has a population of about 60 people; most of them are traditional vegetables farmers. Nearby Ranupane is another lake called Ranu Regulo.

Coban Pelangi

The Coban Pelangi Waterfall is one of the few unexploited secrets of East Java; a 30-meter high hidden beauty surrounded by a pine forest. This waterfall is situated east of Malang, at the foot of Mount Semeru. This destination can be visited in conjunction with a visit to Mount Bromo.

Saturday 13 February 2010

Mount Bromo National Park

Gunung Bromo dan Taman Nasional Gunung Penanjakan internasional, paling terkenal ajaib matahari terbit, adalah surga bagi pecinta alam, dengan gunung berapi, kawah dan pasir dataran tinggi. Orang-orang yang tinggal di daerah ini (orang Tengger) yang seharusnya keturunan dari Kerajaan Majapahit secara keseluruhan enam ratus tahun yang lalu. Sekali setahun (pada tanggal yang berbeda sesuai dengan kalender mereka), mereka yang paling populer upacara, Yadnya KASADA, diadakan di sebuah kuil yang dibangun di dataran pasir yang luas dekat pinggir kawah di puncak Gunung Bromo. Gunung Bromo dan Gunung Penanjakan yang terus terang 2,5 jam dari Kota Malang. Anda dapat berhenti di pemandangan perkebunan teh Wonosari.

Friday 12 February 2010

Tugu Hotel Malang

Jl. Tugu no.3 Malang - East Java - Indonesia
Telp. +62 341 363 891
Fax. +62 341 362 747, 362765

General Information
Malang, sebuah kota diberikan sebagai kota terindah di asia tenggara pada masa kolonial. Sampai sekarang ini tetap dimiliki Indonesia adalah salah satu kota yang paling terindah, hanyut bersama dalam suasana nostalgia. ini adalah tempat dimana pemilik perkebunan Belanda tua dan pegawai negeri sipil digunakan untuk pensiun untuk kehidupan yang nyaman dan mewah, dikelilingi oleh perbukitan perkebunan apel dan teh. Itu juga merupakan titik keberangkatan di pagi hari untuk perjalanan ke Mt megah. Bromo.
Tugu Malang terletak di jantung kota tua, memandang ke monumen utama di Indonesia dalam perjuangan kemerdekaan dan sebuah kolam teratai taman yang indah.
Tugu Malang rumah yang luas, koleksi barang antik tak ternilai dipengaruhi oleh Babah peranakan Jawa (ratusan tahun budaya campuran antara Chinese di jawa dan Jawa asli). Tugu Malang lebih sekadar hotel, tetapi telah menjadi paling pribumi, paling penting dalam mengalami kekayaan yang indah dari sejarah Jawa.

Press Review Tugu Hotel Malang